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M&M'S Wiki

Monkey See, Monkey Do is an M&Ms ad. In this one, Red and Yellow try to get The Minis into their tubes by jumping into a giant tube, but the minis throw them into a garbage truck.

Commercial First Aired: October 12, 2000

Commercial Last Aired: November 4, 2002


  • Red: Listen, I figure if we go into this tube, the minis will go into their tubes. Monkey see, Monkey do!
  • (Red and Yellow get into the tube, but the minis slam the lid forming a baseball bat)
  • Red: This is bad.
  • (The Tube is picked up by the minis in the shape of a gorilla)
  • Minis: Ooh Ooh, Ah Ah.
  • (The Minis throw the tube into a garbage truck, causing them to fall out...)
  • Yellow: Hope we don't land in the garbage.
  • (...and trash to spill everywhere)
  • Minis: Do it! Do it!
  • (The minis pull a lever)
  • Red: Back in the tube.
  • Yellow: Why?
  • (Trash falls onto Red and Yellow)
  • Red: That's why.
  • Announcer: M&M's Minis, tons of chocolate candies searching for a mouth.



M&M's Minis - Monkey See (2000, USA)-0


M&M's minis - Monkey See (2002, USA)
